C PROGRAMC PROGRAMMING INTRODUCTIONSTRUCTURE OF C PROGRAMMINGWRITE A C PROGRAM TO ENTER STUDENT DETAILS(NAME, REGISTER NUMBER, AGE) USING AN ARRAY OF STRUCTURES.\WRITE A C PROGRAM TO FIND THE BIGGEST OF THREE NUMBERS.WRITE A C PROGRAM TO FIND THE FACTORIAL OF A GIVEN NUMBER USING THE WHILE LOOP.WRITE A C PROGRAM TO CALCULATE MATRIX MULTIPLICATION USING A TWO-DIMENSIONAL ARRAY.WRITE A C PROGRAM TO FIND THE NUMBER IS LESS THAN OR GREATER THAN TWENTY.C PROGRAM TO PRINT VALUES FROM 1 T0 N. C PROGRAM TO PRINT ALL EVEN NUMBERS FROM 1 TO N-INFINTYNOTES00.C program to print UPPER CASE into lower case.C program to calculate the sum of two integers using pointerC program to print the student details(roll number, name, branch, and mark)-using structure.C program to change upper to lower case and lower to upper case using function conceptC program to calculate the matrix addition using a two-dimensional array.C program to swapping the two numbers using function concept. C program to print the values in descending orderC program to print the number in ascending order.C program to print the student address using the union concept.C program to print the Fibonacci series.C program to make a simple calculatorC program to calculate the sum of the pointer. Write a C program to print the addition of the five values.C program to print the total mark and average mark of five subjects.C program to swap the values using a temporary location.Write a C program using a function with argument and without return type.Write a C program to swapping the two values using a function with argument and return values. Write a C program using a function without argument and return typeC program to convert the lower case into upper caseC program to calculate the subtraction of two matrices using a two-dimensional arrayC program to copy string using strcpy()-(simple example program)C program to find the candidate is eligible for voting.C program to find the grade of your mark using Else if ladder. C program to find the grade of your mark using SWITCH statement. C program to find the given two numbers are equal or not.
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